OSCAR – A Licensed After School Care Program

OSCAR Operates In: 

  • Chester Ronning
  • Jack Stuart
  • Sifton
  • Sparling

Mission Statement:

To provide a safe and stimulating environment for the children who require out-of-school care.


Our philosophy is that no child should be at risk due to inadequate supervision or lack of resources.  Children need care and sustenance in an environment which provides for their social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative needs.

Program Description:

We are a registered and licensed Non-Profit Society.  We provide after school care for children registered in school that are 4 1/2 – 12 years old.  We endeavor to meet the needs of individual children, as well as the group as a whole, by offering a nurturing and stimulating environment where children are free to make choices and develop relationships with peers and adults.

OSCAR Child Care is operated by Camrose and District FCSS.  The OSCAR Director and Parent Advisory Board, in partnership with the school administration, ensure that the program meets the needs of all involved. The OSCAR program is staffed by qualified child care professionals with a staff to child ratio that is usually lower than the Alberta Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC).

Contact Info:

4821 – 51 St.
Camrose AB  T4V 1R9
Phone: 672-0141