Alberta Health Services Camrose Public Health



5510-46 Ave., Camrose, AB T4V 4P8




Toll Free




Mon. - Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.



Public Health Nursing: Provides services to families, individuals, and communities to promote health and wellness and to prevent illness. The Perinatal Program offers information and resources to new parents including prenatal classes, home visits, screening and referrals, and breastfeeding support. Routine immunizations are provided by appointment in well child clinics, adult clinics, and travel health clinics. School Health programs include immunization for grade 6 & 9 students as well as catch up immunization for those in grade 1 - 9. The annual influenza campaign offers influenza immunization to all individuals over six months of age. Public Health is also involved in communicable disease surveillance, follow-up, and preventative management. Oral Health: Provides free fluoride varnish for eligible pre-school children 12-35 months. In select schools, fluoride varnish is offered to children in Kindergarten, grades 1 & 2. Early Intervention Program (EIP): Supports families of children (0 - 3 1/2 years) with developmental delays or disabilities using a home-based, family-centered approach. EIP staff connect families to community resources, provide information on child development, and develop a service plan unique to each family. Sexual Health Consultant: Information/support, resources and presentations on sexual health to adults, youth, parents, professionals, community groups and schools. Issues addressed include: prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections; contraception (birth control); healthy and informed sexual health decision making and healthy relationships. Throughout the course of the pandemic, many of these outreach opportunities are offered virtually. The type of support (virtual or in-person) is in constant evaluation reflecting Alberta Health Guidance on prevention of COVID-19. Environmental Public Health Program: As regulators, public health inspectors enforce the Public Health Act, Skin Cancer Prevention (Artificial Tanning) Act, Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping Reduction Act, and their regulations. Public Health inspectors routinely inspect public places including restaurants, swimming pools, rental houses, day cares, tattooing or body piercing shops and special events. Also provides health and safety training in the areas of food safety, swimming pool operation, and child-care facility operation. They are empowered to investigate public complaints about health and safety concerns in public facilities, and to investigate illness resulting from consumption of food or drinking water, or from exposure to environmental contaminants. EPH also supports Albertans in reducing the risk and spread of COVID-19 in Alberta, by working together with business operators, and Albertans, to ensure compliance with Chief Medical Officer of Health Orders and Guidelines. They use education, inspection, and enforcement with a focus on places and activities which present the greatest risk of COVID-19 transmission. EPH is mandated to respond to all public complaints and to follow up on outstanding violations. Health Promotion: In supporting communities and schools in addressing health priorities, our team utilizes community development, co-design and innovation principles to deliver a combination of virtual and in-person supports including (but not limited to); review and explore community health data and information; tools, resources, and supports to create healthy schools and communities; consultations and facilitation to support redesign, long term planning, development of a comprehensive strategy to address wellness priorities, grant applications, etc.; guidance in health equity, collective impact and service realignment; best and promising practices in community action and health school environments; health resources and information (i.e., tobacco reduction, cannabis regulation, environmental public health, nutrition, injury prevention). Throughout the course of the pandemic, many of these outreach opportunities are offered virtually. They type of support (virtual or in-person) is in constant evaluation reflecting Alberta Health Guidance on prevention of COVID-19. Public Health Nutrition: Dietitians work with communities to support Central Albertans to eat healthy where they live, learn, work, play. Dietitians support improving healthy eating environments in your community, school, child care, recreation centre, or workplace. Dietitians deliver online nutrition workshops that are open to pregnant women and caregivers of young children. Visit AHS services website for more information.

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