Camrose & District Family & Community Support Services


Lyndel Kasa, Executive Director


4821 - 51 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1R9





Toll Free




Mon. - Thurs., 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon



Camrose and District Family and Community Support Services (Camrose & District FCSS) is a funding partnership between the Government of Alberta, City of Camrose, Camrose County, and the Villages of Bawlf, Bittern Lake, Edberg, Hay Lakes, Rosalind. Our mission is to design and deliver social support services that inform and improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

Under our umbrella, we organize our programs, services, and initiatives into the following groups:

Camrose Helps Services: Our partnership with Camrose Helps allows us to reach more individuals and families in need by providing direct supports like the Community Pantry, Cultural Food Hub, and Winter Coat Drive.

Child Enrichment Services: Fosters children’s learning and growth in a nurturing environment through their pre-school and out of school programs.

Family Services: Supports families through a range of programs, resources, and services designed to foster well-being and connection.

Older Adult Services: Designed to enhance the well-being of older adults (55+) and seniors in our community, we offer a comprehensive range of services.

Community Services: Offers programs and services designed to support the well-being of the community throughout the year.

At the heart of all our work is the goal of ensuring every individual can access the support, information, and referrals they need. Together, by creating strong connections and offering preventative services, we strive to build a resilient and thriving community for everyone.

Interagency is a network of community members, organization and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change. Following a collective impact framework, this group brings people together in a structured way to achieve social change. Membership is open to anyone in the community. Members also receive monthly newsletters from, special notifications and meeting minutes and agendas from Monthly meetings are held at the Camrose Public Library on the 2nd Monday of the Month at 1:00pm, which is preceded by a Lunch & Learn session at 12:00 noon, which is open to the public.

Community Services Initiatives: Tools for School, Camrose County Christmas Cookie Decorating Kits, Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, Christmas Angels, City of Camrose Recreation Subsidy, Transit Tokens, Community Kitchen

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Camrose Helps Services

Community Pantry

Everyone deserves access to good food, and we're here to lend a hand.

Community Services

Camrose Interagency

Collective of human service organizations that facilitate and promote the free exchange of information, concerns and solutions in the Camrose area.

Community Services

Transit Tokens

Offers tokens to assist residents in need with transportation services.

City of Camrose
City of Camrose
Camrose County
Camrose County
Hay Lakes
Hay Lakes
Bittern Lake
Bittern Lake
Flagstaff County
Flagstaff County
Beaver County
Beaver County