Camrose & District Family & Community Support Services


Lyndel Kasa, Executive Director


4821 - 51 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1R9




Toll Free




Mon. - Fri., 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.



Camrose and District Family and Community Support Services (Camrose & District FCSS)is a funding partnership between the Government of Alberta, City of Camrose, Camrose County, and the Villages of Bawlf, Bittern Lake, Edberg, Hay Lakes, Rosalind. FCSS funding must be used for programs and services that are preventative and do one or more of the following: 1) help people develop independence, strengthen coping skills and become more resistant to crisis 2) build awareness of social needs 3) support people in developing skills to have healthy relationships with others 4) help individuals and communities assume responsibility for decisions and actions that affect them 5) provide supports that help people participate in the community. In 2023 Camrose & District FCSS provided partial funding to: BGC Camrose, Camrose & District Home Support, Camrose & District Men's Shed, Camrose & District Pre-School, Camrose County Summer in the Park, Camrose Family Resource Centre, Changing Ways (Family Violence Action Society), Habitat for Humanity Literacy Training Project, OSCAR Out-of-School Child Care, Service Options for Seniors (SOS).

Community Initiatives: Tools for School, Take a Coat/Leave a Coat, SportQuip, Camrose County Cookie Decorating Kits, Rural Mental Health Project, Community Pantry, Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, AHS Government Issue ID Program.

Community Social Supports Coordinator - No cost supportive information and referral is available if you need someone to talk to, one-on- one, who will direct you to appropriate services and help to navigate services. The Community Social Supports Coordinator is the primary point of contact to meet and support anyone who needs to access support services. The Community Social Supports Coordinator will support individuals with understanding of resources available and connecting clients with the appropriate support agency or organization.

Interagency for Community Service Organizations Monthly Newsletters, special notifications and meeting minutes for information sharing. Interagency Email:

Camrose Helps - is a group of community agencies with a vision for the residents of the City and County of Camrose. We want everyone to thrive in a safe and supportive community and make our community a place where all can live well. Camrose Helps is using a collective impact framework to collaborate across sectors to address social needs in our community. The priority needs identified are food insecurity, housing insecurity, mental health, transportation, and financial.

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Older Adult Services

Elder Abuse

Our support worker and advocate is available to help unravel the complexities of abuse against older adults.

Community Services

Community Kitchen

A place where people come together to cook, share meals, build connection, and learn.

Older Adult Services

Medical Transportation

Getting you to your medical appointments with care, we provide a reliable and safe way to ensure you arrive where you need to be.

City of Camrose
City of Camrose
Camrose County
Camrose County
Hay Lakes
Hay Lakes
Bittern Lake
Bittern Lake
Flagstaff County
Flagstaff County
Beaver County
Beaver County