Camrose Women's Shelter
Box 1405, Camrose, AB T4V 1X3
780-672-1035 (Crisis Line)
780-679-4975 (Office)
24 hour service
Operates a 22 bed emergency shelter offering a safe and trauma-informed space for women and children escaping domestic violence, in a crisis situation or who may be homeless. Beyond basic needs (food, clothing, shelter), services include supportive listening, advocacy, referrals to community agencies, life skills groups; danger assessments and safety planning. The Shelter has an on-site school, grades 1 - 12, and a licensed on-site daycare program. The Outreach Program offers support for women leaving Shelter to living in the community, including HOPE Group, educational programs and cooking classes. Women and families within Camrose and surrounding rural communities can also access Outreach services without having to stay in-Shelter. Supportive listening and education for children and youth who have experienced or witnessed family violence are also available. We are dedicated to supporting individuals of all ethnicities, sexual orientation, and gender identities.