Children and Family Services



Intervention Services - 4867 - 50 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1P6; Child Care Licensing/Prevention/Early Intervention: 5005 - 49 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1N5


Intervention Services - 780-608-1800; Child Care Licensing (Licensed or unlicensed) Child Care Connect Line - 1-844-644-5165; Prevention/Early Intervention - 403-341-8642


Toll Free

310-0000, then 780-608-1800 - Children's Services




Mon. - Fri., 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed on Stat Holidays.



Children's Services focuses on early intervention, child development and delivering supports and services to children, youth and families. The ministry works to ensure that children and youth have the tools they need to thrive in healthy families and communities. A) Prevention Services - services that build protective factors to prevent further difficulty. B) Early Intervention Services - an umbrella of support programs offered when difficulties are first identified that contribute to strengthening protective factors and reducing the impact of risk factors through a continuum of programming for families. C) Child Care Licensing - responsible for the licensing and monitoring of all licensed child care programs in the province. This includes daycare programs, out of school care programs, group family child care programs, preschool programs, and approved family dayhomes. For information on Child Care Licensing, please call the Child Connect Line @ 1-844-644-5165. D) Child Intervention - responding to concerns about the safety and well-being of children and youth. Guided by legislation, staff conduct the day-to-day business of child intervention, foster care, kinship care and adoptions. Reporting Child Abuse: If you are concerned for the safety and well-being of a child in Alberta, please contact the Camrose office at 780-608-1800 (toll free service dial, 310-0000 first) or call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-387-5437 (KIDS) to speak with a caseworker.

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AHS Government Issue ID

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Family Services

Camrose Family Resource Centre

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Transit Tokens

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City of Camrose
City of Camrose
Camrose County
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