Hospice Society of Camrose and District
Doris Nussbaumer. Administrative Coordinator
5415 - 49 Ave., Camrose, AB T4V 0N6
Mon. - Fri., 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
No Fees
Camrose Hospice has been a registered charity since 2011 serving the city of Camrose, and the counties of Beaver, Camrose and Flagstaff. Services are offered in-home, at a hospital, long-term care facilities, through programs at Mirror Lake Centre, and in the community. Support groups and education sessions are available (schedules are available on our website). HSCD office is located at the lower level of the Mirror Lake Centre. Staff and trained volunteers provide these services:
Palliative and End of Life Programs - provides respite and support to families who are caring for someone who has a life limiting illness and to those dying at home.
Bereavement and Grief Programs - provides individual grief sessions, grief companions, grief walks, and grief support groups.