Suicide Grief Support Services, CMHA - Edmonton Region



#300, 10010 - 105 St. NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 1C4




Toll Free





Free of charge


Critical Incident Group Debriefing Services - our Suicide Grief Support Services team offers group debriefing support to adults who have experienced a critical incident. The debriefing process provides a safe place for people to talk about and share experiences related to the incident. We provide Critical Incident Group Debriefings at least three days after a critical incident, for up to two weeks after the incident. Services are provided free of charge, although donations are welcome when a group debriefing is held at a work site. Bereavement Support Services - grieving a loss to suicide can seem overwhelming, but the support and understanding of others can be a powerful source of strength. Our Suicide Bereavement Support Groups welcome anyone who has lost someone to suicide. Each group includes three modules covered over a 12-week period. Participants must attend an intake session prior to joining a group. Suicide Caregiver Support Service - welcomes anyone who is providing care for someone who has attempted suicide or may be thinking about suicide. We help to lighten the burden by providing individual support sessions, including: Emotional support, identifying and understanding the relevant issues and concerns, creating a safety strategy, creating a self-care plan, and connecting you to other caregiver support services in the community. Youth Suicide Grief Support Services - grieving a loss to suicide can seem overwhelming, but the support and understanding of others can be a powerful source of strength. Our Youth Suicide Grief Support Groups are designed for and by youth with a tailored curriculum for 12 to 17 year olds and 18 to 25 year olds. Each group includes three modules covered over a 12-week period. Participants must attend an intake session prior to joining a group.

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