BGC Camrose

Offers a variety of fun, meaningful and engaging social, recreational, educational and leadership programs to children and youth in grades K through 12.

About BGC Camrose

BGC Camrose is a charitable not-for-profit organization that provides a variety of programs and services for children and youth in Camrose and Area. BGC Camrose (formerly “Camrose Boys and Girls Club”) began operations in 1989 and is a proud member of BGC Canada.

Primary Purpose

Their primary purpose is to provide a variety of positive, meaningful social, recreational and leadership experiences to children and youth to overcome barriers, develop resiliency skills, build personal assets, and contribute to a safer, stronger, healthier and more productive community.

They offer a variety of fun, meaningful and engaging social, recreational, educational and leadership programs to children and youth in grades K through 12.

BGC Camrose does not provide childcare.

To learn more about BGC Camrose and their current programs please visit their website.

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Suite 1, 4412 - 56 St. Camrose T4V 5K4

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Family Services

BGC Camrose

Offers a variety of fun, meaningful and engaging social, recreational, educational and leadership programs to children and youth in grades K through 12.

Community Services

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program

Volunteers complete tax returns for individuals and families with a modest income and a simple tax situation.

Camrose Helps Services

Community Pantry

Everyone deserves access to good food, and we're here to lend a hand.

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