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Armena 4-H Beef Club
Chris Millar, General Leader
RR #2, Camrose, AB T4V 2N1
We offer projects for market steers, carcass steers, heifers and cow calves. Also cleaver activities.
Bashaw 4-H Multi Club
Charlene Brosinsky
General Delivery, Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0
Battle River Canine Association
Travis Rott, President, BRCA
The BRCA is a Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) accredited all-breed dog club, offering two CKC all-breed Conformation and Obedience dog shows. There is one show in the fall (4th weekend in October) and another in the spring (4th weekend in March).
Camrose & Area Animal Shelter
Matthew McKeil
Bay 8, 4617 - 41 St., Camrose, AB T4V 2Y8
Our Society began with the goal of opening a shelter for the lost and homeless pets in Camrose and the surrounding area. We began by raising funds for the awareness of and the need for an animal shelter in Camrose. The City of Camrose currently contributes funding to the shelter in the amount of our lease. All cats are vaccinated, spayed/neutered and micro-chipped prior to adopting them out. Our Society hopes to add community outreach programs, such as low cost spay/neuter/microchip initiatives. These will contribute to reducing reproduction, increasing the number of strays being returned to their owners, and in turn controlling the stray population. The Shelter has Charity Status and can issue tax deductible receipts for donations over $20.00.
Camrose & District Fish & Game Association
Glen Hand, President
Box 1001, Camrose, AB T4V 4E7
The Fish and Game motto is to enhance and protect all fish, wildlife and habitat. Our club is affiliated with the Alberta Fish and Game Association and is committed to defending all outdoors through our clubs projects and activities. Our main fundraiser is our annual Wild Game and Alberta Beef Banquet held annually every March. The money from this event and others goes directly back into the community. Funds are used for promoting family events, the Community Fish Pond Project, birdhouses, outdoor education sponsorships, sending kids to camp (Zone 3) and more. We also continue to host Hunter Education courses, hunting surveys and pay for wild meat processing for the Camrose Food Bank. For membership please contact Chrissy Baker 780-679-6641
Camrose 4-H District Council
Janet Kerr, Regional 4-H Specialist
310-0000 and then at the recorded message 403-742-7547
Alberta 4-H develops leadership, communication, technical and life skills of 4-H members and leaders to strengthen communities. The Camrose 4-H District Council includes representation from all the clubs in the Camrose District. The council arranges educational, social and competitive events for members and leaders in the Camrose District.
Cointreau Stables
Ashley Cointreau
Secondary Highway 855 / Township Road 434 Located near Daysland
Cointreau Stables & Tack Store is a full service equine facility committed to excellence in our stable & lesson programs. We offer riding lessons, horse boarding, training, tack/feed store, horse sales, horse events and TruTouch equine therapy. Riding lessons are offered to all ages & levels of experience with our Equine Canada Certified Competition Coach & Instructor of Beginners. Experienced lesson horses are available for use, as well as the opportunity to compete in on site and local horse shows. Cointreau Stables also offers a therapeutic riding program, catering to children or adults with disabilities.
Crazy Critters 4-H
Gwen Arvidsson, Leader
Camrose Crazy Critter Multi 4-H Club 4-H projects - canine, foods, photography, sheep and small animals
Ducks Unlimited Canada
5015 49 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1N5
Private non profit wetland conservation organization. The local focus is wetland conservation projects and fundraising.
Friends of Little Beaver Lake Society
Anna Grahn, Chair
Enhance, preserve and protect the natural environment of Little Beaver Lake and surrounding lands to build appreciation of this special environment and to demonstrate that appreciation by learning more and share what we learn with one another and the younger generation.
Gladstone Multi 4-H Club
Karen Pederson
RR 1, Bawlf, AB T0B 0J0
Projects include cooking, scrapbooking, small engines.
New Norway 4-H Club
Susan & Dean Fankhanel
General Delivery, New Norway, AB T0B 3L0
Rosalind 4-H Beef Club
Alison Stang
General Delivery, Rosalind, AB T0B 3Y0