Camrose and Area Children's Choir


Joy-Anne Murphy, Director


4610 - 46 Ave., Camrose, AB T4V 0E2




Toll Free



Who we are - Choirs for kids! Three groups: two non-auditioned and one auditioned. Our choirs are for kids who love to sing! Come check out Jr. Choir for grades 1-3 (K with interview), Sr. Choir for grades 4-9, and Vivo Cantando Ensemble (auditioned) for grades 5-12 with more experience. All groups are inclusive, encouraging and engaging. We sing all styles of music in fun and challenging arrangements, and perform in three concerts per year, with various optional extras. Costs are reasonable, time commitment is fair and clearly outlined, instruction is high calibre and experienced. Each season runs mid-September to the end of April/beginning of May. Rehearsals are Tuesday afternoon/evenings, and are centrally located downtown in the United Church hall. The Camrose and Area Children's Choirs exist to provide varied, high-quality learning and performing experiences to children and teens in the greater Camrose region. Through rehearsals, performances, workshops, excursions and tours, our members explore and expand their love of music and the voice. Through participation in local and regional festivals, functions, and concerts, singers learn to appreciate all that music can bring to a well rounded live and community.

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