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Association of Communities Against Abuse
Stephanie Hadley, Executive Director
#203, 5015 - 50th Ave., Camrose, AB
Mon. - Fri., 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
No charge
Services: A) long term, specialized individual therapy/counselling services and family support for survivors of sexual trauma/abuse. B) education programs for students (Pre-K to grade 12), educators and parents on topics of health in relationships, body ownership, consent and support networks. C) training and presentations for professionals, front line staff, and community members to create awareness, recognize, respond to and reduce sexual and other forms of abuse/violence. D) specialized crisis and community support for individuals and their loved ones, who have been impacted by sexual violence. This may include emotional support, unbiased information, referrals, accompaniment, transportation, assistance with paperwork, advocacy and system navigation (criminal justice, education, health, etc.). Main Office Stettler: P.O. Box 2132, 4804 - 50 St., Stettler, AB TOC 2L0
COPE Program
1-800-743-6179 option 7 for Camrose and area
The Collaborative Outreach Preventing Exploitation (COPE) Program supports youth and young adults aged 12-24, who are at risk of, or experiencing sexual exploitation within central Alberta. COPE offers a variety of supports for youth and families to enhance personal safety, build knowledge and awareness, build and maintain healthy relationships, help youth and young adults make informed decisions, intervention supports, connect with related resources, and one-on-one outreach services. COPE also provides education to communities regarding sexual exploitation, online safety, healthy relationships, community resources, and harm reduction. The COPE program is through McMan Youth, Family, & Community Services. Contact COPE at the email above to learn more about outreach services and educational sessions.
Camrose Women's Shelter
Box 1405, Camrose, AB T4V 1X3
780-672-1035 (Crisis Line)
780-679-4975 (Office)
24 hour service
Operates a 22 bed emergency shelter offering a safe and trauma-informed space for women and children escaping domestic violence, in a crisis situation or who may be homeless. Beyond basic needs (food, clothing, shelter), services include supportive listening, advocacy, referrals to community agencies, life skills groups; danger assessments and safety planning. The Shelter has an on-site school, grades 1 - 12, and a licensed on-site daycare program. The Outreach Program offers support for women leaving Shelter to living in the community, including HOPE Group, educational programs and cooking classes. Women and families within Camrose and surrounding rural communities can also access Outreach services without having to stay in-Shelter. Supportive listening and education for children and youth who have experienced or witnessed family violence are also available. We are dedicated to supporting individuals of all ethnicities, sexual orientation, and gender identities. admin@camrosewomenshelter.org
Changing Ways
4821 - 51 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1R9
Mon. - Thurs., 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Services are provided free of charge
We provide free and voluntary services to individuals and families affected by violence by focusing on reducing family violence and fostering positive change through group sessions, one-on-one support, and collaboration with community agencies. Our programs include: Intimate Partner Violence Groups, with separate groups for men and women; Anger Management Groups; Child & Youth Programs. The Camrose Family Violence Response Council, coordinated through Changing Ways, exists to foster a safer community by addressing family violence through collaboration, information sharing, and community engagement. We are a part of Camrose & District FCSS.
Older Adult Support Worker & Advocate
Lindsay Jansen, Support Worker
4821 - 51 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1R9
587-844-6815 (direct)
Mon. - Thurs., 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Our older adult support worker and advocate can help unravel the complexities of abuse against older adults 55+ aging in the community. We offer voluntary, in-home or office visits in the City and County of Camrose and office visits once a month in the City of Wetaskiwin. We can help if someone is mistreating you, taking control of your money, or pressuring you in ways that don’t feel right by providing goal-oriented support and advocacy. Accessing our services is confidential and anyone can refer. We are a part of Camrose & District FCSS.