AHS Government Issue ID

Provides essential identification and healthcare cards to support homeless and at-risk individuals in accessing necessary services.

We are proud to offer the AHS ID Program, which addresses a critical need for individuals without government-issued photo identification and/or healthcare cards. This program provides essential support for homeless, at-risk, and recently housed Albertans. As part of this initiative, we offer assistance to help clients obtain the necessary identification to ensure they receive the full range of healthcare services and support they need.

About The Program

Alberta Health Services has numerous homeless clients who do not have government-issued photo identification and/or healthcare cards. AHS health providers have identified this lack as a major barrier when discharging clients from healthcare services and programs or releasing them from correctional facilities

To address this need, Human Services, Service Alberta, Alberta Health and Solicitor General worked with AHS to develop and implement the AHS ID Program (formerly known as the ID for the Homeless Healthcare Project) to help homeless, at-risk or recently housed Albertans who enter care without Alberta Identification or Alberta Personal Health Cards.

This Program trains health providers and ID Specialists to assist clients to obtain IDs using alternate means. This includes clients in AHS facilities, clients supported by AHS Community Programs and Services, including those released from a number of Alberta Correctional and Remand Centres, who are receiving assistance from the AHS Corrections Transition and Diversion Teams.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the eligibility criteria for clients to be assisted with the Program?

At the present time clients who are homeless, at-risk of becoming homeless or very recently housed are eligible. They need to be 18 years or older (or an emancipated youth), have lived in Alberta for 90 days or longer and are legally-entitled to remain in Canada. Work will commence shortly to address the needs of homeless, estranged youth.

What types of IDs are obtained through this Program?

The focus of this Program is assisting clients to obtain Alberta Government ID or Alberta Personal Health Cards.  In some specific instances, clients can be assisted in obtaining birth certificates.

How are IDs paid for?

Where possible we encourage clients to pay for their IDs.  Where this is not possible, the Program will cover the costs for IDs, as we don’t want clients to experience any further barriers to obtaining much-needed programs and services.

When clients come to the ID Repository, what can they expect?

First time clients to the ID Repository will meet with the ID Specialist, who will assist in determining which of the two Program’s processes will be employed.  Based on this determination, information will be obtained to verify a client’s identification. This may take one or more sessions. Once completed the client proceeds to a Service Alberta Registry to obtain their ID.

Once received, the client has the option of storing their IDs and/or supporting documentation until such time as they are housed and have the ability to do so independently.

If the client chooses to store IDs, they may come in frequently to withdraw or deposit the same.  While storing at this address, the client also has the ability to use the address for their mail.  So in addition to obtaining their IDs, they may also be there to pick up mail.

What should a client bring to assist with the ID processes?

Any document that has a client’s name may be helpful. In the end, in order to obtain ID, we need to prove that a client is who they say they are, that they’ve been in Alberta at least 90 days and are legally-entitled to remain in Canada.  In addition to our partnerships that can assist with this, any of the following documents may also support this:

  • Alberta Personal Health Card
  • Bank Statements for 3 months
  • Baptism Certificate
  • Birth Certificate
  • By-Law Tickets
  • Canadian Military ID
  • Expired Driver’s Licence
  • Federal Corrections Card
  • GST Cheque Stub
  • Income Benefit Card
  • Lease Agreement
  • Legal Documents
  • Mail
  • Pay Stubs for 3 months
  • Shelter Letter
  • Status Card
  • SIN Card
  • T4s from Current Employer
  • Utility/ Cell Phone Bills
  • Photocopies of Documents
  • Any documents with the client's name on it.

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Contact Us


4821-51 St., Camrose, AB T4V 1R9


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